Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Dear Family,

Wow I can't believe this day has finally come.  My last full week in the mission field.  It is such a bitter-sweet feeling.  Every time I think about leaving St. Kitts I get a little depressed.  I really just love the country and the people so much.  But I am excited to see everyone again!  I can't believe only 10 more days.  So crazy! 

Well this week we've had lots of work to do.  We are working on two investigators to get baptized this Saturday.  So to get them there is a lot of work, but we are praying and I know if it is their time Heavenly Father will make sure it happens.  So I'm not worried.  They've both been to church lots of times so its just helping them overcome their fears.  

This week we've been eating like horses and cowboys.  Literally.  We have no money because we've spent it all on getting to and from Nevis.  So we eat canned beans and radishes.  Lets just say I am excited for some cafe riooooo yaya!!! But the sacrifice to get to Nevis is worth it.  I am truly humbled by the time we've spent there.  The group is so small, but faithful and I know that it will grow.  I am excited that there will be missionaries out there again after we leave.  There is a lot of potential!  One of our investigators there did his 7 day challenge of reading and praying every day so we are excited to hear how it went for him.  

Anyways not much else is new, just trying to finish the mission that the Lord has for us.  I know that there is still lots for us to do in this last week!  So I am excited to see what else is ahead.  Thank you for all your love and support! Lots of love!

Sister Cole 

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