Friday, August 1, 2014


Dear Family

Happy 4th of July!  Im sure your 4th was a little different than mine.  We did celebrate however at the Rasta farm with some vegan burgers and red white and blue outfits!   It looks like bear lake was lots of fun!  

President Boucher is officially here!  we are so excited to meet him!  He is coming out this saturday so that should be good!  

This week I learned a great lesson of never judging the promptings of the Spirit. A few weeks ago, Sister Watkins and I felt impressed to contact an elderly man. He expressed to us his desire to be baptized. We had taught him a few lessons and he had been to church a few times. It was difficult for him to understand the lessons, but he had the desire to prepare to be baptized. This week we were calling old contacts from the area book and we called a man who asked us if we were the ladies that had been teaching the elderly man. He said that he was trying to figure out a way to contact us. It turns out the elderly man passed away a few days ago. I know that Heavenly Father needed us to contact this man and even though he didn't understand the lessons very well, he showed the desire to learn more and prepare for baptism. Sister Watkins and I will talk to his wife this week to get permission to do his work in a year. This experience taught me to always follow impressions because we don't know Heavenly Father's plan sometimes and that his hand is in everything. It was a miracle we called the old contact.

We are still working with our converts families and are having some success with that.  I don't have much to write this week.. sorry... but i love everyone!  thanks for all the support! 

Sister Cole 

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